Business Coaching
As a business owner, you can sometimes feel alone and unsupported – spending little time working on your business and feeling trapped in the day-to-day pressures of working in your business.
Owning and operating a business is hard work. Our coaching programmes provide you with accountability and support to ensure you make the best decisions for you and your business. Together, we’ll work to develop strategies to achieve your desired outcomes and gain the lifestyle you want.
Together we can work with you on a monthly or quarterly basis to improve your business.
The outcomes from our coaching programmes include increased profitability and Cash Flow, customised reporting templates to measure actual performance against forecasts, and access to an expert sounding board to ensure you continue working towards your goals.
Whether your business needs guidance to navigate major change or you simply want regular contact with a trusted coach, we’d love to help!
We’ll help you to understand your business better, enabling you to better manage your Cash Flow. Good management decisions rely on a sound understanding of the financial implications for your business.
This service involves meeting with us regularly to discuss your financial results, culminating in you learning to produce and interpret your own customised monthly financial reports.
The better you understand the key drivers in your business, the easier it will be to increase your profits and free up Cash Flow.
First, we’ll help you establish what your key drivers are. These may be financial (e.g. gross profit margin) or non-financial (e.g. customer satisfaction ratings). We’ll teach you how to measure each Key Performance Indicator and set improvement targets. When you’re confident measuring each KPI, we’ll provide regular coaching to help you implement a tactical plan focusing on the process and behavioural changes required to ensure improvement.
Investing a little time each week and making simple changes can dramatically improve your KPIs, thus positively impacting your business performance and personal life.